This System Configuration implements a testbed for an instance of the E_RDELAY Function Block (FB) type.

As shown above, this configuration comprises a single instance of the FRAME_DEVICE type, containing an HMI Resource, which provides the Human/Machine Interface elements shown in the screenshot on the right above, and a TESTER Resource, which contains the FB Under Test DLY_FB, and a chronometer CHRONO, which measures the time elapsed from the last previous occurrence of a DLY_FB.START to the occurrence of a DLY_FB.EO event.

This System configuration uses the Local Multicast design pattern for the communication of data and events among Resources. The FBDK uses the Tagged Data design pattern to ensure consistency of the communicated events and data, as shown in the table below.

The screenshot on the right above shows the result of triggering the DLY_FB.START input with a DT input value of t#1s, then triggering the START button again within 1 second, which produces a measured elapsed time CHRONO.ET of t#1s_4.278ms from the occurrence of the second DLY_FB.START event to the occurrence of the DLY_FB.EO output event.

Tag Name Type(s) Description
DLY_START TIME START message to FB Under Test
DLY_STOP STOP signal to FB under test
ET TIME Elapsed Time from Chronometer