FBEditor Controls

Library Element Tabs
As library elements are opened (e.g., with the File Open menu item) their tabs are added to this area. You can navigate to an open element by clicking on its tab. When an element is closed with the Close Tab button, its tab is removed from this area.

Close Tab
Clicking on this button closes the library element in the currently selected tab. If there are unsaved changes, you will be asked whether you really want to close it and discard the changes.

Status Line
This area provides a short description of the currently selected item, and may also show error messages. It also shows the currently executing configuration command when the Run button is used, and shows a status indicator at the right-hand end when lengthy operations such as compilation are in progress.

Navigation Tree

  1. You can use this control to choose what will be displayed on the Worksheet area, including:
  2. You can edit a Properties element by double-clicking on the corresponding item.
  3. You can edit an algorithm by double-clicking on the algorithm name.
  4. When editing a system configuration:


  1. This area contains a "worksheet" area which may be larger than or equal to the "viewport" frame. If the worksheet is larger than the viewport, scrollbars appear to assist navigation.
  2. When you click the mouse on elements in this area (including vertical line segments), the corresponding text (if any) will be highlighted in the text currently showing in the lower tabbed pane.
  3. When a function block diagram is displayed in this area, double clicking on the body of a function block instance will open its type definition in a new tab.
  4. You can drag various elements in this area (including function blocks, connecting line segments, and elements of ECCs) to improve readability. You can move a selected element around one pixel at a time with the Alt+arrow keys.
    The "handle" for dragging a function block, resource or device instance is the element name at the top of the element.
  5. You can select and drag multiple elements using Shift+Click and Shift+Drag gestures.
  6. You can add connections to a diagram using the Connect gesture.
  7. The popup menu for this area contains the following items:
  8. Additional popup menus provide for editing the elements of ECCs, FB diagrams, Ladder Diagrams, interfaces, service sequences and system configuration diagrams.

Lower Tabbed Pane
This pane contains tabs related to the currently selected Library Element. In addition to the tabs listed below, this pane may also contain a Tags pane when the Tagged Data design pattern is in use. Selecting an element in the Navigation or Worksheet pane will cause the corresponding textual element (if any) to be selected in the XML, src and Java panes.

Resize Bars
Dragging on these bars changes the relative size of the Viewport, Navigation and lower tabbed areas.
If this operation results in the length or width of the Viewport being larger than the respective dimension of the Worksheet, it will be adjusted along either or both of these dimensions to fit the larger Viewport.

Exit - This button closes the FBEditor application. If there are unsaved changes in any of the currently open library elements, you will be asked whether you really want to exit and discard the changes.

Menu Bar Items

Last updated: 2011-02-12.
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